Inspiration: Be Brave | Poem

Everyday so many people live lives they don’t want to live.
They do all of what they hate to do
And none of what they love to do
And the reason why is Because Everything they love and want is on the other side of their fears
We would rather live the comfortable life and stay in a small life
Then to face our fears and live in a great life
see we all have big dreams that we wish we could achieve
But You can’t fit a big dream into a small life
So we must be brave to live a great life
But Bravery isn’t an attitude or a feeling It’s a choice.
Because honestly We are all afraid of something
But Bravery isn’t the absence of fear, It’s the overcoming of that fear.
So we must Feel that fear and do it anyway
If we don’t, It won’t be because of our skills, or talents that we will be limit us
It will be our fears that will become our limits
So We must make the decision to Be brave
We must make the decision to bury our fears and take that leap into the life that was created for us
The decision saying that, I don’t want to live this way any more
For it is worth the sacrifice of leaving behind all of what is holding us back, so we can gain all of what will move us forward.
And when we take that leap, when we make that decision, even if we begin to fall, then our god will always catch us.
So today, You can either choose to be brave or choose to be afraid
Today we must Choose to be brave.