Inspiration: Shine Bright | Poem

Let us shine bright

When those dodgeballs of life come hurtling toward us
We must shine bright
When those dodgeballs of trials and tribulations come flying our way
We must shine bright
When those dodgeballs of loneliness, stress, and sicknesses come flying at our heads,
We must shine bright
When Those dodgeballs of bills, student loans, and credit card payments come flying at our pockets,
We must shine bright
When it is uncomfortable to stand for Christ
We must shine bright
See in those times when all of the dodgeballs in the world seem aimed at us and we just feel like we have no escape
That is when we want to turn our lights out and just to run away
However that is when we need to let our lights shine the brightest
We wonder why we go through dark times in life, dark times that seem to last forever
That is because the darkest nights, produce the brightest lights
And out of the worst situations come the greatest inspirations
God has perfect timing, never early, never light.
And His promises and blessings are always worth the wait.
A wise man once said, Don't light yourself on fire trying to brighten someone else's existence.
But I disagree
We need to be lit with a fire that never expires,
So that we can inspire the ones that are tired.
We need our lights to shine bright everywhere we go.
Giving hope to the people to illuminate the soul
But before we can give light to others to help them grow
We must have light ourselves in Christ so we can glow.
See Just like the moon cant shine without the suns light
We cannot shine without the son of God in our life
They say shine bright Like diamonds in the sky
But I'd rather shine bright like the son Jesus Christ
Because Jesus shines like a million suns ablaze
Wrapped in eternal light receiving the highest praise
He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end
And we won't need the sun no more because we will forever be with Him.
Jesus the First, the Last, The Bright, the Morning Star
Its only because of Him we can glow in the dark
But don't worry I'm almost done
But before I leave this stage
We have all walked in darkness
And sin has blinded our way
But because of Christ we can finally open the shades